ORTECO An Italian company operating all over the world for almost 50 years

Orteco is an Italian company based in Bologna leading in the piledriver sector.
They have been operating all over the world for almost 50 years.

  • Pildriver for guard-rail jobs
  • Piledriver for photovoltaic projects
  • Piledriver for fencings
  • Piledriver for vineyards
  • Piledriver for beaches (umbrellas)
  • Special piledriver
    Their production, oriented for a long time exclusively to the road safety area, in the recent years has successfully approached the world of photovoltaics.
    Today they successfully operate in these areas:
  • Driving of guardrail posts
  • Driving of photovoltaic project posts
  • Driving of fences, vineyards and beaches posts
    Guaranteeing to their customers a range of products at competitive prices, high performance, excellent quality, durability and customization on specific needs.
    Every day they invest in research and innovation, using the expertise of highly qualified technicians.
    They design tailor-made machines on demand, able to offer efficient solutions based on specific needs.
    They are at the side of our customers: from consulting to guide the choice of the most suitable machines and accessories for the work to be performed, to advice on their correct use.
    The attention to product quality, the application of the most advanced technologies and the expertise and passion of dealers favor the continuous improvement of construction processes and provide the maximum guarantee on the international market.
    Write an email to orteco@orteco.com

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