VIBROWEST ITALIANA Sifting Technologies for Pharmaceutical Industry

VIBROWEST ITALIANA is continuously developing his range of sieving and filtration equipment and manufacturing procedures to satisfy the demanding requirements of the Pharmaceutical Industry. For over 50 years, we have been carrying out extensive market research and working in partnership with the world’s major Pharmaceutical manufacturers to ensure we understand how to meet the high standards of design, usability and performance. Our Pharmaceutical Equipment are manufactured using the highest possible quality of 316L grade stainless steel and all parts in contact with the product are finished to a certified Ra <0.5. This, combined with easily dismantled parts, ensures all equipment can be easily and thoroughly cleaned hygienically. A vibratory sieve or screener is an essential part of every pharmaceutical production process, particularly as product quality and integrity are so important. Excipients such as lactose, starch and Microcrystalline Cellulose (MCC) are regularly used in oral solid dosage formulations such as tablets, capsules or sachets. Using our screening equipment to safety-screen excipients will ensure product quality and remove any oversize contaminants, such as packaging, wear residue from other machinery or unwanted particles natural to the excipient. The main features of our screening equipment: •Easy to clean between different batches with no tools necessary; •low noise and low maintenance makes; •IQ, OQ & PQ documentation packages available. Sanitary vibratory sifters for processing pharmaceutical APIs (Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients) Our range of circular sieves are essential to ensure product quality and remove oversized contaminants from API’s, excipients and finished pharmaceutical powders. The GMP design of the screener is based on clean lines, making sanitation easier and enhancing performance. Features and plus: •Total dust containment during check-screening; •CIP spray ball cleaning system available when handling highly potent API’s (HPAPI); •IQ, OQ, & PQ documentation packages available; •All product contact surfaces are fabricated from 316L stainless steel and polished to ensure compliance with the most stringent sanitation standards. Vibrowest technical staff, thanks to many years of experience in the sieving process, is able to offer you the best solution also through lab tests at its headquarters in Solaro (MI) – Italy. For more information visit our website:

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